Mario Teleri Biason is
regarded as one of Italys foremost experts in printmaking
relating to both antique and contemporary prints. He is called
regularly by the Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica -Calcografia
and Cabinet of prints and drawings in Rome and other organizations
as an expert and consultant in the field. In 1990 he received
a gold medal for graphics at the IX Roman Vito Agresti Prize
for the Figurative Arts.
Curator of the exhibition Creativitae tecnica nellincisione at
Palazzo Venezia Rome, Prospettive at Biblioteca Casanatense,
Rome, and Printmaking is forever at the Indiana University,
He also made documentaries on printmaking for RAI Italian Television.
He trained in the bottega tradition as assistant to Piero
Dorazio, one of the foremost names in contemporary art in Italy, and
now himself directs a bottega in Rome called il Quadrato di Omega where
teaching, seminars and exhibitions are regularly held.
At Temple University, Rome-Campus Mario Teleri Biason teaches drawing
and printmaking.

> Istituto Superiore Tecnico Commerciale P.F.Calvi - Padua
> Assistant Piero Dorazio - Rome
> 1980 Yugoslav Government for one year in printmaking
> 1982 Premio Biennale Citta de La Spezia
> 1990 Gold Medal at the XI Roman prize Vito Agresti for figurative
> Calcografia, Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe Ministero Beni Ambientali Rome
> Fondazione Europea Restauro Beni Cartacei Spoleto
Public commissions
> Documentaries on the history and technique of the art of the print, and
on Raphael drawings for RAI TV Italian Television - Department School
and Information.
Teaching experience
> Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica, Rome - Accademia di Belle Arti, Catania
- Istituto Superiore S.Orsola,
> Rome - Centri Restauro Aosta, Volterra, Fermo, Viterbo - Scuola Arti Ornamentali
del Comune di Roma, Rome
> 3a Casa Circondariale Rebibbia, Rome -Fondazione Il Faro Susanna
Agnelli, Rome - Fondazione
> Europea Restauro Beni Cartacei, Spoleto AUR American University of
Rome, Rome
> Temple University Rome Campus
> 2a Biennale darte della Spezia, XXX Biennale Nazionale dArte
Città di Milano, Heidelberg, Acqui
> Terme, Taipei, Chamalieres, Ibiza, Kanagawa, Cairo,
> Lavori in corso Galleria dArte Moderna e Contemporanea,
One man show
> Padua, Rome, Milan, Venice, Otranto, Zagreb, Sebenik, Catania, Calcata,
Group show
> Rome, Anagni, Geneva, Milan, Skopije, Moscow, Hannover, Melbourne, Spello,
> Bagnocavallo, Carignano, Mandela, Gotland, Banska Bistrica, Cetona,
Curator of the exhibitions
> Creativita e tecnica nellincisione, Sala Barbo Palazzo
Venezia - Rome, Prospettive, Biblioteca Casanatense - Rome Printmaking
is forever, Indiana University - Bloomington
> Castello Sforzesco, Milan - Istituto Nazionale della Grafica, Rome - Municipal
Gallery of Modern Art in Rome
Mario Teleri Biason ,
painter and printmaker, was born in Padua on September 7, 1940.
He starts painting in 1956, woodcut in 1966, silkscreen in 1968, intaglio
in 1971 and lithography in 1973. After graduating from the P.F.Calvi Technical
Institute, at the age of 20 he visits Paris to see the pictures he
loves and which he has only seen in reproduction. After working for
eight years at the Banca Nazionale del Lavoro in Padua, he resigns
and leaves for a years traveling in Europe to visit Museums and
On his return he acquires a studio in Venice, his ideal city, to which
he dedicates each year, most of his work, and meets Ezra Pound, Giuseppe
Santomaso, Emilio Vedova, Virgilio Guidi. He then moves to Rome where
he meets Piero Dorazio, Giulio Turcato, Fausto Melotti, Pietro Consagra,
Renzo Vespignani, Achille Perilli, Toti Scialoja, the poet Giuseppe
Ungaretti, the master printer Renzo Romero, and the Directors of the
new Experimental Roman Theatre: Giancarlo Nanni, Memè Perlini,
Pippo Di Marca, Valentino Orfeo.
He first exhibits in 1972 with one-man exhibition of graphics at the
T.P.R. Teatro Popolare di Ricerca in Padua. This is followed
by many more one-man and collective exhibitions, both in Italy and
Rome, Anagni, Geneva, Milan, Zagreb, Skopje, Sebenik, Moscow, La Spezia,
Hannover, Otranto, Heidelberg, Melbourne, Catania, Spello, Acqui Terme,
Ovada, Calcata, Bagnocavallo, Carignano, Taipei, Chamalieres, Ibiza,
Mandela, Kanagawa, Charleston, Venice, Cairo, Cetona, Bloomington,
He has been invited to teach at the National Graphics Institute, Rome,
from 1981 to 1987, from 1989 to 1992 he teaches at the Academy of fine
Arts in Catania. He taught also at the Istituto Superiore SantOrsola
in Roma, Scuola Arti Ornamentali S.Giacomo del Comune di Roma, Rebibbia
3° Casa Circondariale, Fondazione Il Faro of Susanna
Agnelli, AUR American University of Rome.
At the same time he produces a number of short documentaries on the
history of printmaking and on Raphael drawings for RAI TV, the Italian
He is invited to hold seminars on the history and the technique of
printmaking and drawing at Aosta, Spoleto, Fermo, Volterra and Viterbo.
He gives lectures in Milan, Castello Sforzesco, the Municipal Gallery
of Modern Art in Rome and the Calcografia, Istituto Nazionale per la
Grafica -Ministero Beni Ambientali, Rome.
In 1980 he is awarded a study grant for one year by the Yugoslav Government,
and in 1990 a gold medal for graphics at the XI Roman Vito Agresti prize
for figurative arts.
Curator of the exhibitions: Prospettive, Biblioteca Casanatense
- Rome Creativita e tecnica nellincisione,
Sala Barbo Palazzo Venezia - Rome, Printmaking is for ever,
Indiana University - Bloomington.
At the moment he teaches printmaking and drawing at the Temple University
in Rome, where he has been teaching from 1989, and collaborates with
the Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica in Rome and the Fondazione Europea
Restauro Beni Cartacei in Spoleto.