
Emerging Train
Jessica Dunne JessicaDunne.com
A few years ago, while driving down the highway at night in my hometown, I was
overwhelmed with nostalgia for my childhood. I then realized there was a brownout
and--with all the streetlights extinguished--the dark road was as I had experienced
it as a child, before we replaced stars with sodium-vapor bulbs. Over the years,
on visits to my childhood home, I had been incensed by the new three-story
beach "mansions" and tee-shirt dealerships, yet had taken little
notice of the street lighting that had altered the nature of night itself.
The dark highway was a visual prompt into a memory of my past, something that
rarely happens, especially in contrast to the constant reminders of other times
through taste, sound and smell.
This is how I came upon my current project, an exploration of night as seen through
a car's windshield. In a few years, the highway power cartel will replace the
greenish mercury-vapor and pink sodium-vapor streetlights that dominate my work
with sun-like halide bulbs, once again altering our nocturnal world (and my palette).
My goal is to get my present experience down on canvas before it disappears.
People sometimes think my work is critical of modern life because my landscapes
comprise buildings and cars, not the more traditional trees and fields. In fact,
I paint what I paint because I believe my subjects are beautiful. People have
also told me they have more fun driving at night after seeing my work. Me too.
Observing taillights reflect off wet pavement or comparing the distance at which
different colored auras bleed into the mist makes hydroplaning in traffic on
the Golden Gate Bridge bearable.
I call myself a painter but I make monotypes and aquatints too. For the monotypes,
I develop an image by dabbing etching ink onto a mylar plate with my fingertips,
subtracting the lights with cotton swabs. I then print from the mylar onto a
sheet of paper, and repeat the process over 50 times to create an image. The
monotypes are really printed paintings: I make a single copy. The technique enables
me to achieve a depth and subtlety of color that I have not found possible in
any other medium.
The black and white "spit-bite" aquatints are yet another process. "Spit-bite" means
biting the image with a combination of acid and saliva directly into a rosin-coated
copper plate. The copper becomes the matrix for several identical prints--an
edition. I find the fluid and painterly results worth the unsavory process.
Monotype and spit-bite aquatint combine the freedom of painting with the mysterious
quality of printmaking, where ink is pressed into the paper as opposed to resting
on the surface. In both techniques the final image is reversed from how I painted
it, and contains unexpected marks and nuances. That unpredictability is what
draws me to printmaking and, inevitably, sends me fleeing back to the relative
comfort of painting.
Jessica Dunne
January 15, 2005
1971-73 Santa Reparata Graphic Arts Studio, Florence,
1974 University of California, Santa Cruz. Studies with
Hardy Hanson, Kathryn Metz and Jack Zajac
1974-75 University of California, Los Angeles. Studies
with William Brice, James Doolin and Samuel Amato
1976-77 San Francisco State University, B.A. in Fine
Arts. Studies with Robert Bechtle
1978-79 Stanford University. Graduate tutorial studies
with Nathan Oliveira
1986-93 Fort Mason Printmakers, San Francisco. Studies
with Eleanor RappeArtist-in-Residence
1993 The Ragdale Foundation, Lake Forest, IL
1994 The Ucross Foundation, Clearmont, WY
1995 The Blue Mountain Center, Blue Mountain Lake, NY
1996 Yaddo, Saratoga Springs, NY
- The Millay Colony, Austerlitz, NY
1997 The Djerassi Foundation, Woodside, CA
- Centrum, Port Townsend, WA
- The Blue Mountain Center, Blue Mountain Lake, NY
1998 Centrum Frans Masereel, Kasterlee, Belgium
- Dorland Mountain Artists' Colony, Temecula, CA
1999 Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Omaha, NE
2000 The Dodge Foundation and the Print Council of New Jersey
- Saint Michael's College, Colchester, VT
2002 Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Sweet Briar, VA
- Weir Farm Trust, Wilton, CT
2003 The Djerassi Foundation Winter Session, Woodside, CA
- Jentel Artist Residency Program, Banner, WY
2004 The Ucross Foundation, Clearmont, WY
- Fundación Valparaiso, Mojacar Playa, Spain
- The Robert M. MacNamara Foundation, Westport Island, ME
2005 The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, Sweet Briar, VA
- Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus, Scwandorf-Fronberg, Germany
2006 Djerassi Resident Artists Program Winter Residency
- American Academy in Rome Visiting Artist/Scholar
1986 Cal Expo, California State Fair, Sacramento. Award
(also 1991, 1992, 1993)
1991 The San Francisco Foundation and Kala Institute.
The James D. Phelan Art Award in Printmaking
Alexandria Museum of Art, Alexandria, LA. September Competition, Juror's Merit
1992 The Ludwig Vogelstein Foundation, Brooklyn, NY. Foundation Grant
Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, CA. Pacific Prints, Best of Show
1993 Kala Institute, Berkeley, CA. Printmaking Fellowship
Harper College, Palatine, IL. 17th Harper National Print and Drawing Exhibition,
Award of Excellence
University of Oklahoma, Stillwater. Cimarron National Works on Paper, Honorable
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. 35th North Dakota Print and Drawing
Annual, Purchase Award
San Jose Downtown Art League, San Jose, CA. 2-D Annual, Honorable Mention
1994 Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, CA. Pacific Prints, Crown Point Press Best
of Show, and Timothy Duran Purchase Award
San Mateo Arts Council, Belmont, CA. Bay Arts 1994, San Mateo Arts Council
University of Hawai`i, Hilo. Pacific States Biennial National Print Exhibition,
Juror's Award
Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA. The 69th Annual Crocker-Kingsley Exhibition,
Third Place
Eastern New Mexico State University, Portales. Scene Unseen III, Honorable
1995 The Ruth Chenven Foundation, New York, NY. Foundation Grant
The Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, CA. 10th Biennial Print and Drawing
Exhibition, Award of Merit
Brand Library, Pasadena, CA. Brand XXV Special 25th Anniversary Exhibition,
Patron’s Award
1996 Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, CA. Pacific Prints, Honorable Mention
1997 Pollock-Krasner Foundation, New York, NY. Foundation Grant 1997-98
1998 Barrett House Galleries, Poughkeepsie, NY. Printworks ‘98: Works
on Paper, Award
Arkansas State University, Jonesboro. Delta National Small Prints Exhibition,
Purchase Award
1999 Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS. Great Plains National, Juror's Award
Arkansas State University, Jonesboro. Delta National Small Prints Exhibition,
Purchase Award
2001 The Print Center, Philadelphia, PA. 75th Annual Competition, Graphic Chemical
and Ink Company Purchase Award
2002 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, Sixty Square Inches North American
SmallPrint Exhibition, Purchase Award
2003 Hearst Art Gallery, St. Mary's College, Moraga, CA, Unbounded Vistas:
Artists Interpret the Northern California Landscape, Purchase Award
2004 Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, CA, Pacific Prints, Second Place Award
2006 Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, CA, Pacific Prints Jungle Digital Third
Place Award
Delta National Small Prints Exhibition, Chuckie Bradbury Art Purchase Award
1992 Macy's, San Francisco, CA, The Great Highway I, Commissioned painting
1999-2002 Trillium Graphics, Brisbane, CA, Commissioned series of monotypes
2001-02 Eastside Editions, Sonoma, CA, Commissioned series of aquatint etchings
1984 Swope Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, Modern Living
1987 LIMN Gallery, San Francisco, CA, The Teddy Series
1989 Convergence Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Paintings and Monotypes
1992 School of Education, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, Cityscapes
1993 California Museum of Art, Santa Rosa, CA, Outer Sunset
Ventura College Gallery, Ventura, CA, The Highway
Stanwood Gallery, The Hamlin School, San Francisco, CA, Paintings, Monotypes
and Etchings
Cabrillo College Gallery, Santa Cruz, CA, The Great Highway
1996 Lane Community College, Eugene, OR, Freeway Paintings
Merced College, Merced, CA, Paintings, Monotypes and Etchings
1997 Weber State University, Ogden, UT, Urban Landscapes
1998 The Frye Art Museum, Seattle, WA, Jessica Dunne—Monotypes and Aquatints.
Brand Art Center Galleries, Glendale, CA, Paintings
1999 Bradford Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Towards San Francisco
Sanchez Art Center, Pacifica, CA, New Work
Studio 1109, Sacramento, CA, Lighting the Modern Landscape
McAllen Museum, McAllen, TX, City Paintings
2000 Printmaking Council of New Jersey, Somerville, Works on Paper
Solomon-Dubnick Gallery, Sacramento, CA, Paintings and Prints
2001 The Atrium Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Oil Paintings
Commonweal, Bolinas, CA
2002 The Los Gatos Museum, Los Gatos, CA
2003 Fresno Art Museum, Fresno, CA, Jessica Dunne: Paintings and Prints. Catalogue
Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, CA
The Flaten Art Museum, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN
2004 The Spartanburg County Museum of Art, Spartanburg, SC
Solomon Dubnick Gallery, Sacramento, CA, Travel Paintings
2006 Texas A and M University, College Circle, Texas, Double Yellow Lines
2007 Charles Allis Museum, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Residencies; Residences
2009 The Saginaw Museum of Art, Saginaw, MI, Jessica Dunne: Luminous Life;
A Retrospective 1975-2000 (scheduled for March)
1975 Fredrick Wight Gallery, University of California, Los Angeles, Un-degreed
Undergraduate Student Show
1977 UC Extension Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Watercolors
1978 UC Extension Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Watercolors
1984 Swope Gallery, Los Angeles, CA, Drawing the Line on '83
1985 LIMN Gallery, San Francisco, CA, New Work
1986 Convergence Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Gallery Artists
Cal Expo, California State Fair, Sacramento, Functional Aesthetics. Award
1987 Convergence Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Three Bay Area Artists
1990 San Mateo Arts Council, Belmont, CA, Bay Arts '90
Berkeley Art Center, Berkeley, CA, Exhibition 1990, Part I
1991 KALA Institute, Berkeley, CA, Winners of the James D. Phelan Art Award
in Printmaking
Lower Columbia College, Longview, WA, Interior Motives
San Diego Art Institute, San Diego, CA, 1991 National Juried Exhibition
Alexandria Museum of Art, Alexandria, LA, September Competition. Award
Western Montana College Gallery and Museum, Dillion, MT, Of Times and Places
Cal Expo, California State Fair, Sacramento, California Works. Catalogue
1991 Lite Rail Gallery, Sacramento, CA, Matrix International '91
Bedford Gallery, Walnut Creek, CA, Bedford Biennial Juried Exhibition
Stanwood Gallery, The Hamlin School, San Francisco, CA, From the Heart
San Mateo Arts Council, San Mateo, CA, Whose Choice? Both Sides of the Abortion
Gallery House, Palo Alto, CA, Juried Exhibition '91
1992 Limn Gallery, San Francisco, CA, The Drawing Group
Laguna Gloria Art Museum, Austin, TX, New American Talent (venues at the
University of Houston, Downtown, and the Museums of Abilene). Catalogue
Eloise Pickard Smith Gallery, University of California, Santa Cruz, Exemplary
L. A. Artcore, Los Angeles, CA, Wallworks
Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, CA, Pacific Prints. Award; Catalogue
Wiseman Gallery, Rogue Community College, Grants Pass, OR, Vessels
San Francisco City College, San Francisco, CA, Selections 1992
Cal Expo, California State Fair, Sacramento, California Works. Award
Forbidden Images Gallery, San Jose, CA, The Mask Show
Alabama State University, Montgomery, Urban and Rural Landscapes by Four Artists
1993 Skyline College, San Bruno, CA, Landscape
San Diego Museum of Art, San Diego, CA, All California Juried Exhibition
Alexandria Museum of Art, Alexandria, LA, September Competition
The Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, CA, 9th Biennial Print and Drawing Competition
Cal Expo, California State Fair, Sacramento, California Works. Catalogue
San Jose Downtown Art League, San Jose, CA, 2-D Annual. Award
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, 35th North Dakota Print and Drawing
Annual. Award
Koret Gallery, Albert Schultz Jewish Community Center, Palo Alto, CA, Works
on Paper '93
University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, 7th Parkside National Small Print
East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Positive/Negative IX Exhibition
Columbia College, Columbia, MO, 14th Annual Paper in Particular National Exhibition
Harleen and Allen Fine Art, San Francisco, CA, Five Printmakers
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Cimarron National Works on Paper. Award
Harper College, Palatine, IL, 17th Harper National Print and Drawing Exhibition.
Award; Catalogue
1994 Office of The Mayor, City Hall, San Francisco, CA, Recent Acquisitions
of the Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts
Palo Alto Cultural Center, Palo Alto, CA, The Contemporary Tea Bowl. Brochure
The California Museum of Art, Santa Rosa, Recent Acquisitions
The University of California at Berkeley Museum at Blackhawk, Danville, CA,
Printmaking Possibilities
The Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, CA, California Printmakers
The California Museum of Art, Santa Rosa, Objects, However Humble
Modesto Junior College, Modesto, CA, Five New Realities
1994 Butterfield and Butterfield, San Francisco, CA, Kala Institute Twenty
Year Anniversary Show
Kala Institute, Berkeley, CA, 1993 Fellowship Recipients
San Francisco Women Artists, San Francisco, CA, California Women Artists
University of Oregon, Eugene, Landscape/Cityscape
Eastern New Mexico State University, Portales, Scene-Unscene
Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, CA, Pacific Prints
Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA, The 69th Annual Crocker-Kingsley Exhibition.
Award; Catalogue
Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville, Sixth Annual National Art
University of Hawai`i, Hilo, 1994 Pacific States Biennial National Print Exhibition
Fairfield Civic Arts Center, Fairfield, CA, Jessica Dunne and Ethel Herst
Banaker Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Four Printmakers
One West Contemporary Center, Fort Collins, CO, Women Printmakers
University of Hawai`i, Hilo, Pacific States Biennial National Print Exhibition
South of Market Cultural Center, San Francisco, CA, Selections 1994. Catalogue
San Mateo County Arts Council, Belmont, CA, Bay Arts 1994
Eastern New Mexico State University, Portales, Scene Unseen III. Award
Gallery 57, Fullerton, CA, Small Extravagances
1995 University of Hawai`i, Hilo, 1995 Pacific Rim International Print Exhibition
The Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, CA, 10th Biennial Print and Drawing
Exhibition. Award
Pro Arts, Oakland, CA, Impressions: The Medium Extended
Center for the Visual Arts, Oakland, CA, The Last Frontier
University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, Ninth Parkside National Print Exhibition
South of Market Cultural Center Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Selections 1995
Koret Center, Palo Alto, CA, Works on Paper '95
J. J. Brookings Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Kala Institute Award Winners 1985-1995
Brand Library, Pasadena, CA, Brand XXV Special 25th Anniversary Exhibition.
Bayfront Gallery, Cowell Theater, San Francisco, CA, California Dreaming
Berkeley Art Center Association, Berkeley, CA, Eleventh Annual Exhibition
1996 Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA, Kala Institute Fellowship
Recipients' Exhibition
University of Wisconsin-Parkside, Kenosha, Tenth Parkside National Print Exhibition
Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, PA, 25th Juried Show
Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, CA, Pacific Prints. Award
Downey Museum of Art, Downey, CA, All California, All Media
Gallery Route One, Point Reyes Station, CA, 1996 Exhibition
Bank of America World Concourse, San Francisco, CA, Beyond Boundaries Preview
Laband Art Gallery, Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA, Los Angeles
Printmaking Society 14th National Exhibition. Catalogue
San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA, Masters of the Medium:
Printmakers from Kala Institute
1997 Eloise Pickard Smith Gallery, University of California, Santa Cruz, Exemplary
San Francisco Art Commission Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Switchstance
Richmond Art Center, Richmond, CA, Beyond Boundaries
Matrix Gallery, Sacramento, CA, Matrix International 1997
Cal Expo, California State Fair, Sacramento, California Works
1998 Graphic Arts Center, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Agart World Print Festival
Maryino Palace, Kursk, Russia, Vladimir Kizilov Foundation Annual Exhibition
The Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, CA, California Landscapes—An
Urban/Rural Dialogue. Brochure
1998 University of Hawai`i, Hilo, Pacific States Biennial Print Exhibition
Academy of Art College Gallery, San Francisco, CA, California Printmakers
South of Market Cultural Center Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Printmaking Possibilities
Center for the Visual Arts, Oakland, CA, The Light is Different in California
Terrain Gallery, San Francisco, CA, The Ocean
Barrett House Galleries, Poughkeepsie, NY, Printworks '98: Works on Paper.
Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Delta National Small Prints Exhibition.
1999 Palo Alto Art Center, Palo Alto, CA, Artists' Pages: Selections from the
Djerassi Foundation Artist-in-Residence Program
Der Zaaijer, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Faultlines/Watermarks: California/
Amsterdam (also with venues at Raadhuis te Heemstede, Amsterdam; The Atrium
600 Townsend, San Francisco, CA; and Fetterly Gallery, Vallejo, CA)
Berkeley Art Center Association, Berkeley, CA, 15th National Juried Exhibition—Works
on Paper
Fort Hays State University, Hays, KS, Great Plains National. Award
University of Hawai`i, Hilo, 1999 Pacific Rim International Print Exhibition.
Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Delta National Small Prints Exhibition.
2000 Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, 2000 Delta National Small Prints
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, CA, and Track 16 Gallery, Santa
Monica, CA, Surf Trip
Olive Hyde Gallery, Fremont, CA, Point of View—Three Artists Look
at the Landscape
Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, CA, Pacific Prints 2000. Catalogue
2001 The Holter Museum of Art, Helena, MT, ANA 2001
San Francisco Art Commission Gallery, San Francisco, CA, Artists' Pages: Selections
from the Djerassi Foundation Artist-in-Residence Program
Boston University Art Gallery, Boston, MA, Boston Printmakers' Society Juried
The Print Center, Philadelphia, PA, 75th Annual Competition. Award; Catalogue
Solomon Dubnick Gallery, Sacramento, CA, Anniversary Exhibition
2002 National Museum of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus, Kala in Belarus. Catalogue
Kala Institute, Berkeley, CA, Solos: The Contemporary Monoprint
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Artists Gallery, Bay Area Printmakers
Solomon Dubnick Gallery, Sacramento, CA
Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, CA, Pacific Prints. Award; Catalogue
2003 Centrum Frans Masereel, Kasterlee, Belgium
La Estamperia of Quito, Quito, Ecuador. Catalogue
Trillium Graphics, San Francisco International Art Fair at Fort Mason Center,
San Francisco
Hearst Art Gallery, St. Mary's College, Moraga, CA, Unbounded Vistas: Artists
Interpret the Northern California Landscape. Award
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, Sixty Square Inches: North American
Small Print Exhibition. Award; Catalogue
Washington Printmakers Association, Washington, DC
2004 George Billis Gallery, New York, NY, Industrial Beauty
Claudia Chapline Gallery, Stinson Beach, CA, Printmakers of the Golden Gate
Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, CA, Pacific Prints
George Billis Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Artists Gallery, San Francisco, CA
New Jersey Center for the Visual Arts, Summit, New Jersey, International
Juried Show ‘04
“A” Street Gallery, Santa Rosa, CA, Confluence
The Frye Art Museum, Seattle, WA, Works on Paper from the Permanent Collection
2005 808 Gallery, Boston University, Boston, MA, Boston Printmakers 2005 North
American Print Biennial
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Artists Gallery, Kala Thirty Something:
30 Years of Innovative Printmaking
The Fresno Art Museum, Fresno, CA, Selection from the Permanent Collection
Washington Printmakers Gallery Washington DC, Small Works 2005 Exhibition
Stremmel Gallery, Reno, NV, Introductions
Kala Art Institute, Affordable Art Fair, New York, NY
2006 Nash Gallery, University of Minnesota and Tweed Museum of Art, Minnesota
National Print Biennial
Pacific Art League, Palo Alto, CA, Pacific Prints 2006: Award, Catalogue
Fetterly Gallery, Vallejo, CA, Compressed
Somarts Gallery, San Francisco, CA, California Society of Printmakers Annual
Arkansas State University Bradbury Gallery, Jonesboro, Delta National Small
Prints Exhibition: Award, Catalogue
Rockport Publishers. The Best Of Printmaking—An International Collection.
Rockport Publishers, 1997. Ill. Burning Beach Chair
Selected Catalogues
Alexandria Museum of Art. Tenth Annual September Competition. Alexandria,
LA: Alexandria Museum of Art, 1991. Ill. Burning Beach Chair
Artspan. Selections 1994. San Francisco: Artspan/South of Market Cultural
Center, 1994. Ill. Cop Car and Tow Truck
Cal Expo. California Works. Sacramento, CA: Cal Expo, 1993. Ill. The
Accursed Rock Rising
Cohen, E. Kala in Belarus. Minsk, Belarus: National Museum of Art in
Belarus, 2002. Ill. Tunnel, Marin and the Chalet
_____. Pacific Prints 2002. Palo Alto, CA: Pacific Art League, 2002.
Ill. Wet Pavement
_____. Pacific prints 2006, Palo Alto, CA: Pacific Art League, 2004,
Ill Cold Night, Wyoming,
End of the ‘N’ I, Fire
_____. Pacific Prints 2006, Palo Alto, CA: Pacific Art League, 2006.
Ill. Crosswalk
_____. Solomon Dubnick Gallery Presents. Sacramento, CA: The Sutter Club,
2002. Ill. Three Sinks
Cohn, M. 75th Annual Printmaking Competition. Philadelphia: The Print
Center, 2001
Crocker Art Museum. The 69th Annual Crocker-Kingsley Exhibition. Sacramento,
CA: Crocker Art Museum, 1994. Ill. Taraval Rights
______, Arkansas State University Bradbury Gallery Jonesboro, AK,2006
Delta National Small Prints Exhibition. Ill. “Bicycle, DE I”
The Frye Art Museum. Jessica Dunne—Monotypes and Aquatints. Seattle:
Frye Art Museum, 1998
Grynsztejn. M. New American Talent. Austin, TX: Laguna Gloria Art Museum,
1992. Ill. Burning Beach Chair
Harper College. Seventeenth Harper National. Palatine, IL: Harper College,
1993. Ill. Green Bowl I
Hutton, M. Views Through the Windshield: Driving with Jessica Dunne.
Gettysburg, PA, The Gettysburg Review, Summer 2005 Issue
Loyola Marymount University. Los Angeles Printmaking Society 14th National
Exhibition. Los Angeles: Laband Art Gallery, Loyola Marymount University,
1996. Ill. Burning Beach Chair
Moser, J. Small Prints: 1999 Delta National Small Prints Exhibition.
Jonesboro: Arkansas State University, 1999. Ill. Overpass
Nixon, Bruce, et al. Jessica Dunne. Fresno, CA: Fresno Art Museum, 2003
Pacific Art League. Pacific Prints 1992. Palo Alto, CA: Pacific Art League,
1992. Ill. Green Bowl I
Pacific Art League. Pacific Prints 1994. Palo Alto, CA: Pacific Art League,
1994. Ill. Cop Car and Tow Truck
_____. Pacific Prints 2000. Palo Alto, CA: Pacific Art League, 2000.
Ill. Wet Pavement
Pacific Art League. Pacific prints 2004. Palo Alto, CA: Pacific Art League
2004. Ill, End of the “N” I, Winter, Wyoming and Fire.
University of Hawaii at Hilo. 1999 Pacific Rim International Print Exhibition.
Hilo: University of Hawaii, 1999. Ill. Home I.
Selected Brochures
Palo Alto Cultural Center. The Contemporary Tea Bowl.
Palo Alto, CA: Palo Alto Cultural Center, 1994. Ill. Moon Tiger
Triton Museum of Art. California Landscapes—An Urban/Rural Dialogue.
Santa Clara, CA: Triton Museum of Art, 1998. Ill. Sloat at SunsetArticles
Abbe, M. "Night Light: Jessica Dunne uses an exacting monoprint
process to capture nocturnal images of urban California." Minneapolis
Star Tribune, Art section, Nov. 21, 2003
Blackwell, Mr. "Blackwell's People." Beverly Hills Courier,
June 15, 1984
Chiapella, J. "Rant and Rave." Santa Cruz Sentinel, Apr.
22, 1994
Clifton, Leigh Ann. "News." Artweek, vol. 22, no. 43, Dec.
19, 1991
Crohn, J. "Out in the Open." San Francisco Bay Guardian,
Nov. 6, 1991
Fischer, Jack. Two California Artists Create New Interests
in Old Styles." San Jose Mercury News, March 4, 2003
Forsberg, H. "Exhibit Features Two Cities, Time Periods." Salt
Lake Tribune, Arts section, Mar. 31,1997
Ganahl, Jane. "Yerba Buena Hangs Loose." San Francisco Examiner,
Style section, May 13, 2000
Geer, Suvan. "Denice Bartels and Jessica Dunne." Artscene—The
Monthly Digest to Art in Southern California, Jan. 1998
_____. "The Mobile Desert." Artweek, Mar. 1998 (cover illustration)
Goda, T. "Jessica Dunne—Pursuing the Light and its Shade." Nalu,
no.18, 1999 (text in Japanese)
Hamlin, Jesse. "SwitchStance Exhibit is Making Waves in Art World." San
Francico Chronicle, Datebook section, Aug. 18, 1997
Hutton, M. “Views Through the Windshield: Driving With Jessica
Dunne.” Gettysburg Review, Summer 2005 (featured artist)
_____. "Surfing Safari—Yerba Buena Plunges into Real History
and Culture of Wave Riders." San Francisco Chronicle, Datebook
section, May 13, 2000
Kahn, B. "S. F. Exhibit Catches the Beach Culture Wave." Contra
Costa Times, Time Out section, May 17, 2000
Kofoed, K. F. "Fog City Dreamer, Dunne Sees the City No One Else
Can See." Seattle Weekly, Aug. 13, 1998
Maclay, Catherine. "An Appreciation of California's Rich Landscape." San
Jose Mercury News, Life section, Apr. 5, 1998
Miller, J. "Stepping Outside the Postmodern Paradigm." The
California Printmaker, no. 3, Summer 1993
Pincus, Robert. "The Galleries." Los Angeles Times, June
15, 1984
Previews." Artweek, July 1997
Rodriguez, J. "Jessica Dunne and James Morris at the Art Museum
of Los Gatos." Artweek, Mar. 2002 (cover illustration)
Santiago, Chiori. "Galleries—You'll Find Solace in Fine
Exhibits." San Jose Mercury News, section G, Dec. 22, 1996
Sherman, A. E. "Princes of Prints." Metro, Dec. 12-16,1996
_____. "California Dreaming." Metro, Mar. 12-18, 1998
Surf's Up." San Francisco Sunday Examiner & Chronicle, Datebook
section, Aug. 10, 1997
Taylor, M. "Luminous Images, City Scenes Light WSU Collett Art
Gallery." The Signpost, Arts and Entertainment, Mar. 31, 1997
Tudor, S. "The Art of Surfing." SF Weekly, May 17, 2000
Typically Foggy Sunset District Shines in Paintings,
Monotypes." Stanford University Campus Report, July 15, 1992
Warshaw, M. "Light Up the Great Highway, the Art of Jessica Dunne." The
Surfer's Journal, vol. IV, no. 3
Woodard, Josef. "Moving Subjects, Painter Jessica Dunne Illuminates
the Beauty of Traffic and Transition." Los Angeles Times (Valley
edition), Weekend section, Jan. 29, 1998
Zanardi, B. "Artist Explores the Stark Beauty of Nighttime Landscape." San
Mateo County Times, July 26, 1999
Public and Corporate Collections
Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts, Fine Arts Museums
of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
Anne Bremer Memorial Library, San Francisco Art Institute,
San Francicso, CA
Arkansas State University, Jonesboro
The Arthur and Mata Jaffe Collection, Florida Atlantic
University Libraries, Boca Raton, FL
The Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, Omaha, NE
The Block Health Center, Evanston, IL
California College of Art, Meyer Library, Oakland,
The Djerassi Foundation, Woodside, CA
Graphic Chemical and Ink Company, Chicago, IL
Flaten Art Museum, Saint Olaf College, Northfield,
The Frye Art Museum, Seattle, WA
Genentech Inc., South San Francisco, CA
The Mitchell Hamilburg Agency, Los Angeles, CA
Hearst Art Gallery, St. Mary's College, Moraga, CA
The Insurance Information Institute, New York, NY
Kaiser Hospital, South San Francisco, CA
Macy's California, San Francisco, CA
The McAllen Museum, McAllen, TX
Mills College Art Museum, Oakland, CA
Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Frans Masereelcentrum,
Kasterlee, Belgium
The National Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp, Belgium
The New York Public Library, New York, NY
The Oakland Museum of California, Oakland, CA
The Jim Preminger Agency, Los Angeles, CA
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Saint Michael's College, Colchester, VT
Saks Fifth Avenue, New York, NY
Time Equities, New York, NY
The Triton Museum of Art, Santa Clara, CA
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks
Weber State University, Ogden, UT
More Prints by Jessica Dunne