
Jenny Robinson
Bay Bridge
Bryant Street Billboard
Third Street Factory
Jenny's earliest impressions of the effects of light
and shadow where formed in Sarawak, on the island of
Borneo (now Malaysia), where she was born and spent
her early years.
Since studying for her BA Fine Art Printmaking at WSCAD
in Surrey UK, Jenny has traveling extensively throughout
the world with her sketchbook. During this time she
has concentrated on refining and developing her technique,
which examines the effects of light and shadow on buildings
and architectural detail.
In her current work, Jenny has been concentrating on
scenes taken from urban environments in major cities
such as London, New York and San Francisco. Jenny uses
as her main subject matter monumental and landmark
structures, with a more recent focus on the overlooked,
the mundane and the everyday urban scenes such as bridges,
gasometers and overpasses. These landmarks are so often
neglected and allowed to deteriorate, to the point
that they are easy to ignore, but yet are a part of
our everyday life.
To convey an atmosphere of a specific time and place,
Jenny uses techniques that evoke the contrast between
light and deep shadow, while the size and compositions
of her prints mirror the solid nature of their subject
matter. The viewer finds that their attention is drawn
to these structures that are often take for granted,
even while they are being destroyed to make way for
more condos or office space, lost forever in the push
towards modernity and profit.
Jenny’s work primarily concentrates on the Monotype
and Monoprint mediums. The spontaneity of mark-making
enables her to work unhindered by more complex printmaking
methods, and to concentrate on textures and the overlaying
of inks to create deep saturated colors and marks.
A full time painter/printmaker, Jenny moved to San
Francisco from England in 2000, where she now lives.
Jenny regularly exhibits in London and California.
IPCNY New Prints Spring 2008, International Print center,
New York, NY
'Jenny Robinson', Davidson Galleries, Seattle
Best in Show Purchase Award, The Janet Turner 7th Annual Print Exhibition, Chico,
1st Biennial Footprint International Print Exhibition, Center for Contemporary
Printmaking, Nowalk CT.
Introductions 2007', Davidson Gallery, Seattle
Work purchased by Achenbach Foundation of Graphic Arts,
Fine Arts Museums of
San Francisco, California
Royal Academy of Art Summer Exhibition, London
The 'Discerning Eye' Exhibition. Mall galleries, London
Winner of the Printmaking Today Prize, Originals 07, Mall Galleries, London,
Juried Print Exhibition. Upcoming Article in Printmaking Today Magazine September
24th Annual National Juried Exhibition, Berkeley Art center
Monotype Marathon 2007, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art
Selected for Artist in Residence, Kala Art institute, Berkeley, California
.Eastside Editions, San Francisco. Commissioned etching edition
Winner of the Printmaking Today Prize, Originals 07,
Mall Galleries, London, Juried Print Exhibition..
Awarded 2nd Prize, Pacific Prints 2006, Palo Alto Ca.
Juror Joseph Zirker.
Awarded ‘Best in Show’ Impressions 2006,
Sebastopol Center for the Arts.Juror Karin Breuer,
Curator San Francisco Archenbach Collection.
Impressive Impressions’ Exhibition, Mesarts,
San Francisco. Juried by Terry Chastain and John Gruenwald
of Tinhorn Press, San Francisco.
Jenny Robinson, Contemporary Monotypes’ One Woman
Show, Larry Warnock Gallery, San Francisco.
19th Annual McNeese National juried Works On Paper
Exhibition, Mcneese State University, Louisiana. Juror
Rudy Pozzatti.
Colors run through a press’ Fetterly Gallery,
Vallejo. Juror Louise Siddons.
Elected Board Member of the California Society of Printmakers
CSP 93rd Annual Members Exhibition, Somarts, SanFrancisco.
Berkeley Art Center’s 22nd Annual National
Juried Exhibition. Juror Karin Breuer, Curator San
Archenbach collection.
Saddleback Exhibition in association with the L.A Printmaking
Society 18th Annual Show, Orange County, USA.
Larry Warnock Gallery ‘Scapes, Land, City, Mind’ Group
show, San Francisco.
SFMOMA Artist Gallery, San Francisco.
Solo Exhibition, James Snidle Gallery, Chico,
Pacific Prints Juried Exhibition, Palo Alto, California
Juror Paula Kirkeby.
Solo exhibition, ‘Ksours and Kasbahs’,
The Ice House Gallery, London.
Society of Painter Printmakers Annual Show, Mall
galleries, London.
Solo exhibition, Earl of Smith Gallery, Royal Leamington
Spa U.K.
Solo exhibition, ‘Forts and Palaces’,
The Ice House Gallery, London.
Royal Birmingham Society of Artists Prize Competition,
RBSA Gallery.
Society of Graphics Fine Art Open Exhibition, Connoisseur
Gallery, London.
Group Show, Earl of Smith Gallery, Warwickshire.
Solo exhibition, ‘Recent Paintings’,
The Ice House Gallery, London.
Five Artists Spring Show, Medici Gallery, London.
Solo exhibition, ‘Recent Paintings’, The
Ice House Gallery, London.
Royal Watercolour Society Summer Show, Bankside Gallery,
Royal Watercolour Society Summer Show, Bankside
Gallery, London.
All Group exhibition, Medici Gallery, London.
All Group exhibition, Churzee Studio Gallery, London.
Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolour Annual
Show, Mall Galleries, London.
Solo exhibition, The Ice House Gallery, London.
Royal Watercolour Society Summer Show, Bankside
Gallery, London.
All Group Exhibition, Zella Nine Gallery, London.
1989 - 90
Designed book covers and illustrations for
The Observer, Sunday Independent and Financial Times,
Penguin and
Pan Books.
Solo Exhibition, Newbury, Berkshire, UK.
Jenny Robinson