What is an artist's book?
This is such a simple question with such a complex answer. And that's precisely what makes artists' books so fascinating. Here's Simon's short answer:
For more information, check out how these organizations have tackled the question:
Otis College of Art and Design Millard Sheets Library
You can also try these great videos:
What is an artist's book? by Cal Poly Student Assistant, Rachel Scott
Artists' Book by Des Cowley, Manager of the State Library Victoria's Rare Printed Collections
Artist Book by Toledo Museum of Art
Make sure to take a look at visual artist and author, Angela Lorenz's answer to the question.
Here are a few resources to help you get started in making your first artist book!

Making Books by Hand: A Step-By-Step Guide by Mary McCarthy and Philip Manna
Creating Books & Boxes: Fun and Unique Approaches to Handmade Structures by Benjamin Rinehart
San Francisco Center for the Book Vimeo
